Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

First of all, don't you love the cover? And the red font? How stunning! If that doesn't grab you from the start then I think you need to rethink yourself.

Also I had heard that this book was a great read so when I saw it at the Goodwill (where else?) I grabbed it off the shelf. It certainly grabbed me. How could I pass it up with such a beautiful cover? My question to myself was, "Could I paint that?"

But you may be asking yourself, "What is a red tent and what is its significance?"

You will find out if you read this book but I will give you a hint ... what comes once a month for most women? Now maybe the tent in and of itself was not the color red but what happens inside it does include that color. But more goes on there than mere cyclical necessities. The tent is where the women can talk and share their thoughts and where they can rest from their work.

Ok, women out there, do you wish you had a red tent where you could rest from your work for about three or four days every month, and you would be handed food and cared for? Sounds like a plan, right?

But this book really is about the biblical Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and their women and events behind the scene of the events. What went on with the lives of these people in a daily grind of living not to mention of birthing lots of children for the men. The more you had, the merrier you were supposed to be, or rather the richer. You could say, Look at me I have a billion sons to carry my seed on and on. I am great and powerful.

I am being facetious but there is a lot of birthing going on in this book. After all it is mostly about the women behind the men.

That said I liked the book. It was not a cliff hanger as the Bible seems to be at times during the events covered but it does capture what it would feel like to be a woman at that time. It is spoken through the voice of one of the daughters, Dinah. I haven't yet opened my Bible to see if see is specifically named so I need to get with that program. I personally don't remember her and she seems to be invisible most of the time in the book.

At any rate, I hope your Spring was full of interesting reads and that your summer proves to be even more exciting. Mine is getting a boost by the next book I am reading. A David Baldacci. I'll clue you in after I have read the whole thing.

Ta ta for now!

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