Sunday, July 21, 2024


I just finished reading The Sunshine Girls by Molly Fader. When I read the last paragraph I wanted to be able to turn the page and continue reading . . . about the mysterious Kitty Devereaux and BettyKay Allen. And yes, BettyKay is one word. And I like it that way. I wondered how a girl named Kitty and a girl named BettyKay could exist in the same small universe? Was it The Universe that put them in the same room in the college dorm their freshman year? Because a "Kitty" sounded glamorous and a "BettyKay" sounded like a farmgirl and champagne doesn't mix well with cow's milk. I would be pleasantly surprised.

Of course, not only the title but the cover design caught my attention when I was looking for a book to read at my library up the street. It's a small library and I like it that way. More intimate. Not like Cameron Village which grew big during a remodeling and I never knew my way around it ever since. Why do things have to change?

That would be a good question two sisters would ask themselves once a stranger, a world-reknowned stranger, showed up at their mother's funeral.  They wouldn't need to ask who she was but rather why is she, of all people, showing up at the service? Did their mother know her? If so, how and when?

If I didn't have other things to intrude on my reading, like grocery shopping, bills, scooping a litter box, I would have gladly stayed on the couch with Molly's story in my hands. Reading until the end. It's that good. I can't say that about the last two books I've read reluctantly because I hate to leave a book half-read if someone has taken time out of their life to write it. I should give it that much respect as I would hope someone would do the same for me. 

So if you want a good summer read, then go to your nearest library, whether big or small, and check it out. Or buy it on Amazon. Whatever floats your boat. But I think this book will. Happy reading!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec is a book I checked out at a library near me. The first thing that caught my eye was the book design and of course, the fact that it would be about a witch's heart intrigued me. I can barely put it down to get anything done but watering my plants!

This book is Genevieve's first novel and I give her huge kudos. 

Her passion for and knowledge of Norse myths has weaved their way into this captivating story including Odin, Skadi, Loki, wolves, a giant snake and our main character . . . Angrboda. 

Here's a hint of some strange things that happen . . . Angrboda births three children but are they all humans? You'll have to read the book to get that answer. Are the worlds as the gods know them coming to an end or a new beginning? What is Angrboda's purpose in bringing the worlds together or blowing them apart? Do her "children" play a pivotal part?

Genevieve will keep you guessing as you turn the pages til the very end. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.