Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Sight of The Stars by Belva Plain

Belva Plain has written many books and I picked this one up at my Goodwill (where else!) because I remembered reading her, so I was happy to find this novel in the stacks of books available.

Funny ... as I began to read and read I realized I had read this one before but could not remember the outcome. It had been awhile. This book came out in 2004. But it is a good read so I did not put it down nor hand it over to someone else to enjoy.

I thought of my father as I read this book again. He likes stories about people who come from nothing and bring themselves up in the world by their boot straps and make a success out of themselves and their families. This story fits that category.

Adam Arnring comes from a poor family and he decides to go out into the wider world and see if he can survive in it. He does so very successfully with hard work and determination and he is then able to help send money back to his father to send his younger brother to med school (which he never is able to accomplish and you will have to read on to see why), to build up the town he finds himself becoming a prominent figure in, and creates a growing family that is his heart and soul.

But he could lose it all.

Read on and see what happens to Adam. It's a good read. Will he lose it all? Is there forgiveness?

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