Sunday, March 23, 2014

Rich Man, Poor Man by IRWIN SHAW

What can I say ... this book was almost falling apart in my hands as I was reading it. I had to keep it together with a blue rubber band that came off a bunch of asparagus.
That tidbit aside, a friend of mine handed this book over to me across a restaurant table full of other High School friends meeting for our monthly get together to keep the bond alive. I told him I had never read it. Surprised and shocked he told me that he picks one up every now and then just so he can hand them out. Of course he got this one for ten cents or something. It should have come with some Elmer's Glue or a warning when he bought it. May disintegrate on contact. But it was fun seeing if I could hold on to it in bed as I was reading it before hopefully falling asleep. Sometimes I would just have to amputate a few pages from the whole and hold that sparse section up before my eyes because it was going to inevitably fall apart anyway and possibly fall on my face.
On  the yellowed or should I say browned page after the title page it was revealed that this book was published a Kabillion times in 1976. I bet Dell Publishing Co., Inc. loved Irwin to pieces. I don't suppose that 'portions of this book appeared in Playboy in a slightly different form' hindered its sale.
In tiny print, it took me awhile to read through this book and it certainly kept my attention if I could pull myself away from Candy Crush. This novel took you through the lives of the Jordache family who were poor in a small town. Three siblings. Who ends up rich and who ends up poor and do any of them end up happy? That's for you to find out when you pick this book up. Hopefully your copy will stay tactfully together without danger of crumbling in your hands as you hold it as gingerly as a newborn baby afraid of breaking it.
I know everyone out there has already read this one and you are probably saying, "What? You just did!"
Yea, I just did.

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