Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Suspense and Sensibility (Or, First Impressions Revisited) by Carrie Bebris

This is "A Mr. and Mrs. Darcy Mystery". Therefore you will be solving a mystery along with the Darcys as they live their Jane Austen written lives beyond her hand written novel.
Are our first impressions really whom we see before us or is there another person lurking below the well dressed facade in front of our very eyes? Do we need to just look in a mirror to see our true selves?
All is not what it appears to be as the Darcys take their siblings to London for The Season. Hopefully there will be weddings in the offing but will there? One can only hope and despair either to the point of emaciation or gluttony. What do the gossips say? Can they be trusted?
This book caught my eye because of its title and front page. We all seem to love Jane Austen so why not a book which "carries on" the relationships. I personally would have enjoyed reading about their regular lives, what they ate, wore, saw and experienced rather than adding a mystery to investigate. But that doesn't mean I did not enjoy the book.
In fact the author has written more Austen-ish mystery books that I hope to find at my local Goodwill where I found this one. I would say they are a good summer read or if you are snowed in.
I will keep my eyes peeled and keep you posted!

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