Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Here's a classic that I was trying to read last summer but finally read this summer. Better late than never, right?
Yes, I found this book on my Goodwill shelf and grabbed it before anyone else could. Don't you love the book cover? So haunting. It befits the story that always seems to be brooding, self loathing and quite sparse of cheer, sunshine and flowers. But one is compelled to continue reading even though one knows that the outcome is not going to produce rainbows and lollipops but rather dismal rain and sorrow.
We are intrigued with Catherine and Heathcliff, their deep and eternal love that exudes such highs and lows to the point of devastation. Would one really want that kind of love that pulls one only into another and without that other then one drowns in one's own contemplation in solitude and despair? Regardless we must read on and on to the conclusion which has a glimpse of redemption and recovery for us to feed on.
If you have not read this classic, then I suggest you grab one from a friend, the library or off a shelf somewhere. Even though you are not going to laugh uproariously nor smile from ear to ear I think you will be glad you can say that you read it.
If I wanted to throw a pun in I would call this novel "Withering Heights" because that is what happens to everyone, almost, who surround themselves around Healthcliff. He is a social vampire.
I must admit though that I like the 1939 movie with Merle Oberon and Laurence Olivier. It has one of the best lines in it that I love which is not in the book. 

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