Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Cat Who Went Up the Creek by Lillian Jackson Braun

If ya'll have never dipped your paws into a Lillian Jackson Braun "Cat Who ..." book then I suggest you do. If you like what you read then you will have a shelf full of editions to keep you purring. I have thirteen paperbacks which I have collected here and there since my mother got me onto Qwilleran, Koko and Yum Yum. You'll understand in a minute.
Unfortunately Miss Lillian is no longer with us in person but her spirit and humour live on in her witty books. I would have loved to have met her. I know our conversations would have been delightful.
So here's the deal ... her books center around Jim Qwilleran who writes for the newspaper where he finds himself living at the time, from The Daily Fluxion to the Moose County Something. I suggest you start at the beginning with her first books, The Cat Who Could Read Backwards, The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern and The Cat Who Turned On and Off. That way you can get into the life of the columnist as he helps solve crimes and mysteries through the whiskers of a cat and sometimes even through the twitching of his own voluminous mustache.
I personally love it when he finds himself the recipient of a mansion full of money and he begins to take root in Moose County which is "400 miles north of everywhere". Specifically Pickax with a "population of 3,000", a love interest who works at the library and has his level of brain info and catly persuasions, and a community of individuals who make the everyday life seem interesting. You seriously want to have a vacation in Pickax and have dinner with Jim, see a neighborhood play and discuss the possibility of the dead body found floating down Black Creek (in the book above).
Well I'm not going to tell you.
You'll have to curl up on your own couch like a cat happily dozing in the sun and read your own edition or 13. I guarantee, if you have an ounce of dry humour in your bones, that you will be purrfectly satisfied.
If not, then all I can say is "Yow"!

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