Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Cat Who ... by Lillian Jackson Braun

Here we go folks. I'm on a Cat Who marathon. And who can blame me? I feel like I have been visited by a best friend with his two Siamese cats and we have been on our own adventures in Pickax from the K Mansion.
I can taste Mrs. Cobb's cooking from here, smell the fresh lake air from the cabin where Mr. Q. goes every now and then, and know The Big One is coming by looking at the clouds in the sky. But if you need any more relevant information then all you need to do is gather yourself up at the Dimsdale Diner for the coffee hour and you'll get more than a cupful of terrible brew. It's not gossip in Moose County. It's just neighborly info passed along a verbal line that extends from house to house without the use of the telephone wires. It's faster that way. No one locks their doors and you can walk right in and borrow a cup of sugar even if the owner isn't there. It's how it's done Up Here and contrary to Down Below.
But mischief reigns supreme in them thar mosquito ridden woods and if you have two cats by the name of Koko and Yum Yum then you are in luck and on your way to solving things that aren't brought up in conversation if someone from Down Below comes into a room. We're all family in Pickax and what the foreignors don't know won't hurt us.
But Mr. Q. is fast becoming one of them for various reasons. He is now the richest man in the county and lives in the best mansion on the circle in downtown Pickax. He's likable too with his ingratiating mustache that lures in the women and the secrets that aren't usually shared with those who weren't born and bred and raised right in the throw back county of Moose. And his two cats are problem solvers with a reputation known only to the favored few who can speak 'Yow!".
Grab one of these books and be ready to have a good time and make a new friend.

Mr. Q.'s sense of humour is worth it.

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