Friday, May 27, 2016

It's Summertime!

Pretty soon the Summer Soltice will arrive announcing the official start of the tanning season. With that in mind I always pick out a book to read that is summer related or romantically inclined. Nothing too heavy.

Yesterday I went to my fabulous Goodwill which has turned out to be my 'library' where I can browse through the titles on the three shelves and buy whatever grabs me. I brought home two books, one is a mystery and one is pure summer romance. How do I know? Catch the titles; Hatteras Girl by Alice J. Wisler and The Third Heiress by Brenda Joyce.

I have decided to start with Hatteras Girl since it is a paperback and seems to be breezy. Just the right tone to start off the summer. Not only is it beachy by it turns out it will be a romance as well. I'll let you know how it turns out.

The Third Heiress seems to be more weighty, not only because it's a hardback but because the jacket cover implies there's mysterious disappearances, car accidents, "a secretive and hostile family". So once I skip through the first book I will be ready for mystery and intrigue in the second.

Both seem good to read on cloudy, rainy days or in bed in the morning with a cup of coffee.

I'll keep you posted.

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