Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Micro by Michael Crichton

I've always enjoyed reading books by Michael Crichton. My first one was Congo. That was thrilling and unusual at that point in time for me and I knew I would enjoy any book written by him. Of course you all know Jurassic Park which he wrote and it doesn't get any better than that unless you are talking about The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.

At any rate, I picked Micro up at Goodwill and I couldn't put it down. Do you have to completely suspend reality in order to read it? Yes. But you are glad to do so as people and machines are reduced to being a microorganism in order to study other microorganisms in a certain location in the Hawaiian Islands. It draws you in and you realize that the dirt that you walk on and the plants that surround you are truly alive even if you cannot see the life pulsing with your naked eye. It makes you want to get a microscope and explore all the inner worlds that are just as unknown, vast and fascinating as the Universe that surrounds us up above.

Check it out. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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