Monday, February 24, 2014


Another one I picked off the shelves at my local Goodwill. Why did I pick this one? Take a look at the cover. Looks like fun plus I liked the title. Spinster sisters? Questions began to enter my mind. Why are they spinsters? How old are they? Really old? Or what? And if they are old then why did they never get married?

My curiosity made me want to find out. It didn't matter to me that it was "seen on Rachel Ray". I just thought it would be a good read. And it was.
It kept me entertained over a rainy few days and some quiet nights when I was full of the Olympics and just didn't feel like skiing down a fast and dangerous mountain nor moving a hockey puck over cold ice bundled up in ten layers of padding. Snooze.

So, am I going to tell you the answers to all the questions I had? No. Obviously. Duh. That's up to you to find out when you read this book by Stacey Ballis who also gives tidbits of advice on singlehood and how to deal with boy friends, your family and your sister. Basically life in general and you in particular.

In a nutshell?

Be honest and also spell it out what you need because no one has ESP. Well no one that you may know at any rate. Go with the notion that no one does and then you may be happier because you will get what you ask for and you wont get what you don't. It's that simple.

In other words, I CAN'T READ YOUR MIND! and no one can read yours and you can't read minds either. Can you?

Communication, communication, communication. (That word looks weird when spelled over and over as if it is a little engine that could trying to chug along a flat line. Come on, you can do it!)

As an after thought, since you can't read my mind, I really love going to the Goodwill. You never know what you'll find. There's a lot of Grisham and King and authors that are well known. I am trying to gravitate towards those that don't fall off my tongue as readily as Good Morning and Have A Nice Day. Trying to take the paths least trodden because sometimes they take me to very interesting places that have been spun out of interesting minds and imaginations.

It's fun. And I can't wait to tell you about the book I am reading now.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Illustrated LARK RISE TO CANDLEFORD by Flora Thompson

I just finished reading this lovely book. The best thing about it? Here's the story ...
Let me say that I love watching Lark Rise To Candleford every Sunday at 7 p.m. on channel 4. The show takes you back to a simpler but harder life where it really is all about the people you live around and family. About working, playing and suffering together. Everyone is in the same boat financially so you pull your resources together to make a community whole. So it's a feel good show and you want to live there if only for a short time. It's so popular that you probably know what it is all about and this book is the real life account by Laura (the name Flora gives herself in the book).
But the good part for me? It's my story behind the story.
I was reorganizing my bookshelves to make them neater. I handled every book to decide if I needed to keep it, give it to Goodwill or pass it on to someone I knew whom I thought may like it. How delighted I was when I grabbed this book from the shelf and saw the title. Lark Rise To Candleford!!! Really? I had no idea I had the book. It had been there like a jewel hidden among other jewels.
In our family we put our names inside our book covers, and also we sign the books with a little note if we give them to someone else. In this book was my handwriting with a note to my mother telling her I loved her. It had been given to her from me in January of 1985. That was right after I had my thyroid taken out. Cancer. Maybe I gave it to her in thanks for taking care of me and my two little children during the recovery process. I lost my voice for awhile because the surgeon had to pick up my vocal chords to get them out of the way in order to chop chop. I thought I was going to have to sound like a raspy, longtime smoker of 101 years old but fortunately it passed. I cannot hit the high notes anymore nor sing for long periods but I can speak. It's all good.
Below my 1985 note I had also written that my mother had given the book back to me in 2009. I know she had picked it up a few times because the paper cover was slightly torn and wrinkled. It made me think of her hands holding the book, turning the pages and her eyes reading the words. Maybe she thought about me when she read it.
I know I thought about her.
I love you Mom.  Forever.

Monday, February 10, 2014

SIMPLE GENIUS by David Baldacci

Can you tell I got this in a used bookstore for only 25 cents? Or was it 10 cents. Well at least I didn't have to worry about preserving its cover. I could do what I don't normally do which is bend the pages back around the binding or even fold down a corner if I felt like it. But I didn't. I always use a book marker.
That said ... this book was a page turner as is all of David Baldacci's novels. And you also learn something along the way. Make sure you read the additional pages at the back where he will let you know what's fact or fiction. But don't read it first. That's the warning given by the author, not me.
The two main characters, Sean and Michelle, have teamed up again. And they make a good team if they can just get their #+*^! together emotionally. Not necessarily Sean but Michelle has some buried issues from her childhood. Don't worry, I'm not giving anything away. Except there may be more buried treasures in this plot which may have to do with a place called Camp Peary but you didn't hear it from me. Does that sound like the military or the government is involved? You hit the nail on the head.
So get your spy on or your psych 101 refresher course out because you are going to need both to solve what is going on across the waters.
Simply put though, you may have to be a genius.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

Howdy folks! It's been awhile I know since I wrote about a book I have read but there was Thanksgiving, then Christmas and after Christmas and things to do in January that didn't get done in December and then it had to go on the February list.

But here we are! Phew!!

So I have read this book (and others that I cannot remember at this time because I also cleaned out my book shelves since the last blog post). And this book is good and yet different. You will ask yourself, "Do people really live like this?" And I suppose the answer is, "Yes."  Maybe it's you.

At any rate, this family of three live very differently, think differently, have high powered, creative jobs but end up having the same problems us boring folk have. So what's the deal? How you cope with your problems and differences or rather accept each other's idiosyncracies? Maybe. I don't know.

But you will find out where Bernadette went and why. So the book does answer that one problem for you. The rest? You're on your own.