Monday, February 10, 2014

SIMPLE GENIUS by David Baldacci

Can you tell I got this in a used bookstore for only 25 cents? Or was it 10 cents. Well at least I didn't have to worry about preserving its cover. I could do what I don't normally do which is bend the pages back around the binding or even fold down a corner if I felt like it. But I didn't. I always use a book marker.
That said ... this book was a page turner as is all of David Baldacci's novels. And you also learn something along the way. Make sure you read the additional pages at the back where he will let you know what's fact or fiction. But don't read it first. That's the warning given by the author, not me.
The two main characters, Sean and Michelle, have teamed up again. And they make a good team if they can just get their #+*^! together emotionally. Not necessarily Sean but Michelle has some buried issues from her childhood. Don't worry, I'm not giving anything away. Except there may be more buried treasures in this plot which may have to do with a place called Camp Peary but you didn't hear it from me. Does that sound like the military or the government is involved? You hit the nail on the head.
So get your spy on or your psych 101 refresher course out because you are going to need both to solve what is going on across the waters.
Simply put though, you may have to be a genius.

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