Saturday, August 9, 2014


This book came off of my Father's book shelf. He had at least two of them. We are honing down his doubles in his collection of his favorite authors. Plus the shelves are now more organized by author and hardback, etc.

So I brought this home with me and put it on my pile of "books to read next" and finally got to it.

I will admit that this one started off really slow and I was wondering if I needed to put it back down and start in on another book in my pile that may be more alluring and exciting right off the bat. But I plowed through the pages until the pace picked up. Then about 3/4's of the way through I think I realized that I may have read it already!

Anyway, this story is about the Jackdaws, a group of women who helped to plan and execute the destruction of a certain facility that ended up helping to turn the tide of the war. I won't go into any details because that is up to you to find out as you read. I will say and encourage you to hang in there so that you can get to the meat of the story.

That's it for this one but the book I am reading now will prove to be more interesting, different ... I have never read this author but I think I may like to learn more about her.

But you'll have to wait until I finish reading her book and then I'll tell you a bit about it.

Read on!

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